Understanding Fear in Dogs

Fear Behavior When we think of a scared dog, what usually comes to mind is a trembling animal hiding in a dark corner or under the bed, whining, his tail tucked. Nonstop barking doesn’t often make the list. Nor do shredding of clothes, gnawing through window frames, or growling and lunging at visitors. But these […]

Beyond Fetch: Games To Play With Your Dog

A game is a great way to exercise your dog’s body and mind, and spend a little quality time together. What’s in your repertoire? Here’s a selection of games you can play indoors or outside: Homegrown Agility If your house is big enough, create a makeshift obstacle course for your dog from rolled-up towels, cardboard […]


This Hungarian hunter can be found in smooth or wire-haired varieties. Standout characteristics are grace, intelligence, friendliness, exercise addiction, a penchant for chewing things, and a strong dislike of alone time. The well-socialized Vizsla takes worship of his human family to a new level, something that has earned the breed the nickname “the Velcro dog.” […]

Pilates For Dogs

Is your dog a sports lover who relishes agility, flyball, freestyle, or disc dog competition? Or is she more of a couch potato? Perhaps she’s getting on a bit in years? Then your dog could benefit from a proactive approach to injury prevention. That’s where core conditioning—or Pilates—for dogs comes into the picture. In humans, […]

5 Tips For Cold-Weather Walks

1. Beware the Burn If you’ll be walking where the roads are being salted or treated with ice-melting chemicals, protect your dog’s footpads with booties or petroleum jelly. 2. Stay Bundled Unless your dog is a northern breed that lives for the snow, invest in a sweater or coat that covers him to the base […]

Maternal Altruism In Dogs

Human beings are capable of and often display maternal altruism well beyond our own species. We adopt other people’s children, yes, but we also adopt dogs and cats, even trees and roadways. Viewed through an evolutionary lens, this is interesting. Why aren’t we focusing on the survival of our own species—even our own tribe—instead of […]

Getting Real With Your Dog

One of the most frequent sources of frustration in dog training? Unrealistic expectations. Dogs’ intelligence shines through in so many ways that we tend to ascribe them decidedly human cognitive skills, such as the ability to understand complex sentences. It’s what some dog trainers refer to as “the Lassie syndrome.” If you often find yourself […]

Essential Fatty Acids for Dogs

Good fats and oils are vital to a healthy balanced diet for your dog. Not enough good fats is as big a problem as too much. Aim for a fat percentage of 12 to 16 percent—even for dogs that need to lose weight (unless otherwise advised by your vet). Why? Good fats, knows as essential […]

4 Ways to Keep Your Senior Dog Healthy

Regular Vet Check-ins This is the gospel throughout your dog’s life, but extra important in those golden years. Twice-annual exams is a good rule of thumb; more for dogs with known health issues. Between visits, look out for changes in your dog’s appetite, irritability level, or trouble hearing or seeing. Injury Prevention Provide ramps and […]