Speak Softly and Carry a Bigger Stick

Sometimes, when you’re searching for the perfect reinforcer to convince a dog to drop or otherwise part with a high-value item, you needn’t look any further than the item itself. Recently, I was working with a client who was having some difficulty convincing his teething 4-month-old golden retriever to relinquish sticks in the yard once […]

Tips to Keep Your Pet Cool This Summer

Finally—summer is officially here! We know you are ready, but is your dog prepared? The ASPCA recommends these tips for ensuring that your dog is safe and happy during the hot weeks ahead! Visit the Vet. A visit to the veterinarian for a spring or early summer check-up is a must. Make sure your pets […]

To Crate or Not To Crate?

A Bonus, Not a Penalty Many people refuse to crate or kennel-train their dogs because they feel the confinement is cruel. However, a crate or kennel can give dogs a sense of security. Crate training done properly is also a highly effective management system that can be a lifesaver for dog owners. Like any training […]

Reducing Leash Reactivity: The Engage-Disengage Game

Many dogs struggle to stay relaxed when they see another dog, a person, or a specific environmental stimulus, and end up reacting with an intense stress response. Stress responses can be categorized into fight (such as barking, lunging), flight (such as avoiding, hiding), freeze (such as cowering, shutting down), or fool around (such as jumping, […]

On Behavior

Struggling with behavior problems? This article from Psychology Today has answers.

Keeping Your Dog Safe in Hotel Rooms

When traveling with your dog, be sure to check the hotel room before you allow your dog to be free in the room. The previous occupant of the room may have been taking medications and may have dropped a pill or two that didn’t get picked up by housekeeping. So remember to look carefully (use […]

Changing Your Shelter or Rescue Dog’s Name

Have you just adopted a shelter or rescue dog? Change the dog’s name right away. The former name can have lots of undesirable baggage associated with it. Condition your dog to the new name by pairing it with tasty treats, using the 5-step process shown here: Say the dog’s name in a pleasant voice, give […]