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The Chase Is Up!

Is your dog a chaser? The urge to chase turns some dogs into frenzied running machines who are difficult to stop. Their brains seem to leave their bodies as they launch themselves after tennis balls, cyclists, cats or every dog on the horizon. Chase behavior can be embarrassing and obsessive, as well as dangerous. Some breeds may be more prone to chase-related issues, such as sighthounds who were bred to chase and catch prey, or herding dogs who were bred to control movement.

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ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center

Top 10 Deadliest Pet Poisons

Certain substances have a more sinister reputation with the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) staff. These particularly dangerous substances most frequently claim the lives of pets.

Download, print, and share the Top 10 Deadliest Pet Toxins List with your clients so they can determine if their pets may be at risk.

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COVID-19 Detection Dogs

COVID-19 Detection Dogs

Dogs’ noses have led them to many a job, from hunting prey to sniffing out bombs, drugs and other illegal paraphernalia, detecting illnesses like cancer and malaria, or warning their people of an oncoming seizure. Now Helsinki Airport is employing sniffer dogs to detect COVID-19 among potential passengers.

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5 Training Tips for Easier Walks

5 Training Tips for Easier Walks

Walks should be enjoyable and pain-free, for you and your dog both. Use
humane no-pull equipment that employs natural counter-balance approaches to curb pulling without the use of pain or the risk of tracheal damage. There are many choices on the market these days. Ask a positive
reinforcement trainer to help you choose the option best suited to your dog’s body and snout shape, and her pulling behavior and intensity.

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Dog of the Month

Dog in the Spotlight: The Bichon Frise

This cheerful and companionable powder puff hails from the Mediterranean area; bichons traveled widely as companions for sailors, minstrels, and circus groups. Beginning in the

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Lola Carey - Certified Dog Trainer

Contact Information

Lola Carey, CPDT-KA, KPA
Certified Dog Trainer